Monday, June 7, 2010

Home Time

I feel as if I’ve been a Debby Downer in my first posts- a bit of a Negative Nancy if you will, (and I think you will), so I thought this would be a bit lighter. I have had the great fortune, as of late, to spend lots of time around the homeland. I do so enjoy spending time with my family, which includes: my mom, who totally kicks ass (by the way), my older brother who is a bit of a superhero/freak of nature, and I mean that in the best of ways, my little brother who is getting cooler by the day and never ceases to amaze me on how well he can snake his way out of physical activity, my sister, the fashionista and mini-me, and my father, the random blues listening, gun toting, carpenter of a dentist. It is quite the adventure each time I traverse back home, and I never know what I’ll be up to. Sometimes it’s something like mowing the grass, other times it’s shooting guns. Life in the boondocks isn’t as boring as you’d think.

I’ve also been lucky enough to spend ample time around my hilarious and wonderful friend Cooper. We try to take it upon ourselves to do the whitest things imaginable whenever possible, and I would say that he is the utmost authority on white things in which to participate. Last weekend, we spent his birthday in rubber boots fishing on a boat in the middle of a pond. Yesterday, in traditional, Midwestern white folk fashion, we made peanut butter balls, walked around my house (because he hadn’t been back there before), found mulberry trees, rode four wheelers to get them, made a mulberry pie (It's safe to say that Cooper's new name will be Betty Crocker), and played catch outside with a baseball. I really don’t know why we played catch, because neither of us played baseball/softball, nor are we any good, however it seemed appropriate at the time. He was using a right handed glove when he is left handed, so the throws that were exchanged were exquisite, to say the least. Or, as he so eloquently described it with a lilt in his voice, "I look like like I'm a homo waving goodbye to a boyfriend in the distance!" When the time came for us to part, we took the pie out of the oven (I made sure that he took a piece of our delicious pie to his fox of a dad,) and he traveled off into the horizon that is Little Sweden, USA. I will miss him, but I will see him sooner than a 35-year-old virgin says “Oops! I swear that’s never happened before. This is way better than anime.” on a first date.

I also have been fortunate enough to have made a new friend who I very much enjoy spending time with. We spent lots of the weekend and previous week together, and it has just been quite the adventure filled with various fits of narcolepsy and ghost hunting. It’s nice getting to know someone new who hasn’t heard all of my stories (yet) and can feign interest in what I’m up to. I look forward to spending more time together soon. Also, my other best friend returns back to the United States, and I couldn’t be more excited. I have missed her so much. It will be good to get some dudey girl talk on again. She is like my other weird half, who I would never go a little gay for, despite our open affection. To be reunited will be so wonderful.

What can I say? In a nutshell, life is good.

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